Swgoh jedi knight revan mods. Completing this event unlocks JEDI KNIGHT REVAN.

Swgoh jedi knight revan mods View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! If Jedi Knight Cal Kestis doesn't have Configuration - Dual Wield at the start of the turn, he loses his Configuration and gains Configuration - Dual Wield for the rest of battle and 5 stacks of Impetuous (max 30) until the end of the encounter. Jocasta Nu. gg (you can filter the mods used by top players), Guide on how to mod your Jedi Knight Revan to get the most out of this awesome character!https://swgoh. Darth Revan packs a punch. Close. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker gains Jedi's Will for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Speed: Critical Damage: Health:. | Jedi Knight Revan Placeholder mechanics explanation. Revan gains Critical Damage Up and Foresight for 3 View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report; Top Characters; Jedi Knight Revan Squads Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Jedi Knight Revan. The most popular seem to be swgoh. Finally, looking at Accuracy, Eeth Koth, Qui-Gon, Hermit Yoda, Grand Master Yoda, Bastila Shan, Jedi Knight Revan, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto and Jedi Knight Anakin all gain 13. This page presents the best mods for Jedi Knight Revan in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Join me as we dive into the best possible ways to take this team to its absolute best to the point where it can contend with Grevious, Padme and some weaker Darth revan teams. SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Slicing – When to Slice & TL;DR Quick Tips; SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Loadouts; Jedi Knight Revan is a highly valuable character in virtually all modes in the game. youtube. Based on 3 battles analyzed during GAC Season 62. This video shows how best to use Jedi Knight Revan, Jolee Bindo, Bastilla Shan, and Grand Master Yoda as an early game or free to play player in Star Wars Ga Jedi Knight Revan gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Mk 4 BAW Armor Mod. AhnaldT101 ando90 Deal Special damage to all enemies. The others are below. Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Dark Path. Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report; Top Characters; Top Players SWGOH. Details Best Mods Gear Gear List Relic SWGOH. Jyn Erso. Power 40488; Speed 168; Health 61,552 My Guest and the rest of the Battalion Creators can be found here:https://linktr. BOSS. Type Ancient Journey: Runs Journey Guide: Requires Mk 11 BlasTech Weapon Mod Salvage. Jedi Knight Revan Placeholder mechanics explanation. 15. Enemies. Filters. fan - Marvel Snap Jedi Knight Revan. Speed: Critical Chance: Protection: Protection: Jedi Master Kenobi. Bastila Mod Guide - https://youtu. 75 1st time. Jedi Knight Revan is a fabled jedi leader who controls the battle with a wide mix of powerful abilities. Power 40488; Speed 168; Health 61,552 This page presents the best mods for Darth Revan in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. gg/JjqZ45n Welcome back to 5 Minute Modding everyone! In todays episode we are going to take a look at how to best mod your Jedi Knight Revan Jedi Team. * I've added This video shows how best to use Jedi Knight Revan, Jolee Bindo, Bastilla Shan, and Grand Master Yoda as an early game or free to play player in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Jedi Knight Revan has been out for years and years, and still does a lot of good work!JKR vs. 5 Gear 4. Earn Commander Luke Skywalker Shards! SWGOH. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Jedi Knight Revan Squads; SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Jedi Knight Revan Squads. Dispel all debuffs on all allies and call target other ally to assist. Mod Speed; 1 Rey: Hungrypaulie: Biggs Danklighter: 610: 212: 2 Rey: Giran Kenor: Feckarse Industries: 609: 211: 3 Jedi Knight Revan Jedi Master Kenobi Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Jolee Bindo Juhani Jyn Erso K-2SO Kanan Jarrus SWGOH. Reply The_cooler_azlan Welcome to the Best Mods for Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, the latest in my series of “best mods in SWGoH” articles which put my old site on the radar of the community and with EA Capital Games. View the statistical breakdown of the top mod choices on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH Events; Other Websites Pokemon-Zone - Pocket TCG; snap. Light Side, Attacker. 1st Time. K-2SO. This mod adds and uses a unique appearance so that Darth Revan stays unchanged in cutscenes. View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Jedi Knight Revan Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; SWGOH Jedi Knight Revan Counters. Because of how great of a Jedi leader he is (a faction that can potentially have many new additions) and his overall kit, he has long lasting viability Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Jedi Knight Revan. Last updated: GAC S The Best Mods, Mod Sets and Stats for Cere Junda in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Units GAC Insights Guilds Check out Cere Junda's in-depth mod analysis or dig in to another unit's mods on the Best Mods for SWGOH Characters page. Speed: Critical Damage: Health: SWGOH Testing Teams for Queen Amidala Proving Grounds! 52:07 NO - Jedi Knight Revan 57:48 YES - Darth Revan 1:03:20 Maybe - Palpatine & Darth Vader Check the “mod help” room on discord – create a ticket there! NOOCHtown on Discord! https://discord. Fight Mechanics. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! This page presents the best mods for Jedi Knight Anakin in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Jolee Bindo. Jedi Knight Revan is a character who can benefit nicely from a more offensive focus from mods, but endgames need him super fast. As a result I give you some options in my recommendation for the best mods for Jedi Knight Revan: Best Mods for Jedi Knight Revan in SWGOH Below I have the best mod sets you should use for the set bonus and the best primary stats you should have on all of the different mod items – they are kind of flexible but also the Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! This mod adds a robe that's based on Jedi Knight Revan from the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Inflict Blind on target enemy for 2 turns. Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report; Top Characters; SWGOH. Jedi Knight Revan Shards x55. Jedi Knight Revan. Last updated: GAC S Jedi Knight Revan Placeholder mechanics explanation. com. Home Jedi Knight Revan. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Mod Battles; Guilds. 2,000 Mk IV. News & Dev Posts SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Jedi Knight Revan Squads Based on 2,997,980 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Revan dispels all debuffs on Jedi and Old Republic allies, then Revan heals all Jedi and Old Republic allies by 10% for each Jedi and each Old Republic ally. lvl 31 Mk 1 Carbanti Sensor Array SWGOH. They gain Strategic Advantage and assist, using their Basic ability. AhnaldT101 ando90 Jedi Knight Revan. Start End; Full History. Speed: Critical Damage / Health: Health: Health: Jedi Master Kenobi. 90. Power 40488; Speed 168; Health 61,552; Best Mods GAC Counters GAC - Who To Attack Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Completing this event unlocks JEDI KNIGHT REVAN. Leaderboard; Guild Activities; News. 5% Physical and Special Accuracy. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Jedi Knight Revan Squads; SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Jedi Knight Revan Squads. Whenever a Jedi ally attacks out of turn, they recover 20% of their Max Protection and deal 35% more damage. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report; Top Characters; Jedi Knight Revan Squads View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! From SWGoH Wiki. The first time another Jedi ally would be reduced to 1% Health, if Revan is active, they recover 100% of their Max Health and Protection, gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns, take a Bonus Turn, dispel all debuffs on themself, and can't be defeated for the rest of the turn. Crit dmg on triangle, but seriously speed, like over 300 otherwise you will just get slapped in mirror matches, but either way grats and enjoy! View the statistical breakdown of the top mod choices on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH Events; Other Websites Pokemon-Zone - Pocket TCG; snap. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report; Top Characters; Jedi Knight Revan Squads Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report SWGOH. be/VxsrE3MAcigMerch: https://xaereth-p View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Deal Physical damage to target enemy and call another target ally to assist. Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; SWGOH. Potency is also nice for her so she can land her debuffs. Stats +60 Tactics (TAC) +100 Special Damage +132% Special Critical Rating SWGOH. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in Knights of the Old Republic-----TITLE: Effixian's Jedi Knight Revan Robes (SW:GoH) AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam-----DESCRIPTION-----This mod adds a robe that's based on Mod Ezra like you mod GMY. If target other ally is a Jedi, who is not Old Republic, they also gain Jedi's Will for 2 turns. Jump to navigation Jump to search. View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android! Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight Revan Attacker • Leader • Jedi • Old Republic . gg/stats/mod-meta-report/https://gaming-fans. gg/JjqZ45n NOOCH Merch! https: While Revan is in the leader slot and not the ally slot, units are immune to bonus Turn Meter effects from Leader abilities until the start of the first turn of battle. Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Units GAC Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Jedi Knight Revan; Power Cell Injector (Fusion) - Jedi Knight Revan. Nute Gunray kills Jedi Knight Revan: How to mod and clock this powerful counter team Nute Gunray kills Jedi Knight Revan: How to mod and clock this powerful counter team Hellenix SWGoH Hynesy Indigo SWGOH inFinem Its Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Jedi Knight Cal Kestis is a Utilizing different lightsaber masteries, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis weaves between offensive and defensive stances to claim victory over his opponents. Darth Revan is a Ruthless Sith Lord that is extremely effective at taking down the enemy leader. Jedi Master Kenobi Attacker • Leader • Galactic Legend • Galactic Republic • Jedi Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker is a Stalwart Jedi hero of legend who ascends to victorious heights alongside his Jedi allies through the will of the Force. Jedi's Will: +100% Counter Chance, +50% Offense, +25% Speed, +25% Tenacity Earn Jedi Knight Cal Kestis Shards! AGGRESSIVE NEGOTIATIONS Legendary Event. In a team where JKR isn't the lead, you have to gun him down first to ensure Savior doesn't activate, so maxing his Health makes it hardest to do so. be/XXDEaM6RuSAJolee Mod Guide - https://youtu. Jedi Master Kenobi. ee/onebattalionstrongThis is BASIC to advanced modding and there are MANY wa Will you bring Jedi Knight Revan to defeat Malak and save the galaxy, or will you bring Darth Revan to defeat a former friend and apprentice to reclaim the Sith Empire 75 1st time. Revan has more Health than Protection, so giving him tons of health is the best way to maximize his tankiness. Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report; Top Characters; Top Players; View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Jedi Knight Revan Squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Toggle navigation. Mk V. Inflict Buff Immunity and Marked on target enemy for 2 turns (these effects can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted). Below I have the best mod sets you should use for the set bonus and the best primary stats you should have on all of the different mod items – they are kind of flexible but also the Jedi Knight Revan relic details, recipes, and stats for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report SWGOH. Jedi Knight Revan, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and Grand Master Yoda. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 4992 characters. News & Dev Posts SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Jedi Knight Revan Squads Based on 1,666,437 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Juhani. Jedi Knight Revan-----Summary: Strong leader with high Jedi synergies, Marks enemies for focused attacks, relies on assists from allies for heavy damage-----Modsets-----P: Speed S: Health, CC, Tenacity, Potency Arrow: Speed Circle: Protection Cross: Potency or Protection Triangle: Crit Damage or Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Units GAC Insights Guilds Jedi Knight Revan; Data; Player Mod Data; Player Mod Data. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Guide on how to mod your Jedi Knight Revan to get the most out of this awesome character!https://swgoh. Kanan Jarrus. Home Jedi Knight Revan gear levels, materials and recipes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report SWGOH. Earn Padmé Amidala Shards! Earn Jedi Knight Revan Shards! LUKE SKYWALKER Hero's Journey. That being said, he complements Jedi Master Luke, Jedi Knight Luke, and Jedi Knight Revan particularly well. com/c/STARWARSDAD/joinJoin NOOCHtown on Discord! https://discord. Units. for GK, To decide which mods you should select for your characters, there are many ressources on the internet. An animation question, will Cal's saber still be seen with whatever configuration was last picked until it changes? Or will the saber revert after each animation to the single These are all solid options the way they are but you can always modify them depending on your roaster of characters in SWGOH. Possible Rewards. SWGOH. Mod Special Damage; 1 Jedi Knight Revan: Revanite8579: MandaloreSentinels: 15,021: 5,503: 2 Jedi Knight Revan Jedi Master Kenobi SWGOH. GG; Characters; Jedi Knight Revan; Placeholder; Jedi Knight Revan. I ranked this View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Jedi Knight Revan Squads; SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Jedi Knight Revan Squads. While Jedi Knight Revan Hero mechanics explanation. com/2018/ View the statistical breakdown of the top mod choices on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH Events; Other Websites Pokemon-Zone - Pocket TCG; snap. gg/p/933773485/characters/jedi-knight-revanHey everyone, I could use some mod advice for my Revan loadout, just how to improve or what primary - 3571885 Jedi Knight Cal does well with just about every Jedi Leader. Jedi Knight Revan Hero mechanics explanation. 30 1st time. Jedi Knight Revan Savior mechanics explanation. Based on 750 battles analyzed during GAC Season 62. Mk I. Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! SWGOH. Jedi Knight Revan is good for a Jedi team especially with his ability that marks an enemy and has all Jedi Allies attack it. Bastilla can vary, you could either go for pure speed with speed sets, or load her up with cc and cd mods so she hits hard. 4speed 2 crit dmg. I don’t have any of them this is just from Squad Arena fights. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Carbonite GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 315 characters. Speed: Critical Damage: Health: Guide to help you through the JKR unlock event. Kyber Aurodium Chromium Bronzium Carbonite Top 100 Guilds. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 4989 characters. Terentatek - Gear 1. This page presents the best mods for Jedi Knight Revan in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. GG; Characters; Jedi Knight Revan; Player Data; Jedi Knight Revan. Over the years I have written literally hundreds of mod guides, including almost all of the original best mods guides over at Gaming-fans. While another Jedi ally is active, Revan ignores Taunt effects. https://swgoh. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 4988 characters. With good mods you can even beat other DRs that have malak. Stats +60 Tactics (TAC) +100 Special Damage +132 Special Critical Rating +50 Resistance Penetration +8 Speed +5. com/2018/ Best Mods for Jedi Knight Revan in SWGOH. 30 SWGOH. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Bronzium GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 596 characters. be/C2zl-sMffmE View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Units GAC Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report; Omicron Report; Jedi Knight Revan Squads Jedi Knight Revan Direct Focus mechanics explanation. 500K 1st time. Jedi Knight Cal Kestis gains Protection Up (50%, stacking) for 4 turns Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats SWGOH Wampa Counters. Tier I. Jedi Knight Revan Strategic Advantage mechanics explanation. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. You can only acquire it by using cheatcode*: giveitem Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report SWGOH. Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Mk 6 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Salvage. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' event is returning late October! Start: 10/25/2023 0:00 PT End: 10/31/23 0:00 PT SWGOH. Power 40488; Speed 168; Health 61,552; Best Mods GAC Counters GAC - Who To Attack Check out Jedi Knight Revan data from all the players on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Insights Guilds Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Ability Report; Mod Meta Report SWGOH. Jedi Knight Revan is a Fabled Jedi leader who controls the battle with a wide mix of powerful This page presents the best mods for Jedi Knight Revan in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Jedi Knight Anakin is a High-pressure Jedi attacker that punishes enemies for wounding his allies. View the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Jedi Knight Revan Squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Toggle navigation. Best Mods News Premium Units Characters; Character Stats; Ships; Ship Stats; Relic Images; Relic Player Data; Stats Jedi Knight Revan. "Shadowscream;c-2409640" wrote: Your suggested squad JKR,Bastila,Jolee, GMY and Hoda is by far the strongest squad You need to do a couple of things View the statistical breakdown of the top Grand Arena Championship Jedi Knight Revan squads on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Power Cell Injector (Fusion) - Jedi Knight Revan; Cost: 124,000 Required Level: 85 . For Critical Damage, Ezra, Shaak Ti and Ahsoka all gain 13. 5% CD from the Relic upgrade as the lone Jedi enhancing this stat. Fabled Jedi leader who controls the battle with a wide mix of powerful abilities. Mk 2 Pulse Modulator. SLK video: https://youtu. 0% Potency Knights of the Old Republic-----TITLE: Effixian's Jedi Knight Revan Robes (SW:GoH) AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam-----DESCRIPTION-----This mod adds a robe that's based on Jedi Knight Revan from the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Dispel all debuffs on target other Jedi ally. 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