Shropshire local plan. pdf in Stage 2 - Matter 21 Created on 24/09/2024 17:10:35.
Shropshire local plan The proposed strategy for development in the Craven Arms Place Plan area is established within draft settlement policies S7. 4. The draft Shropshire Local Plan should comply with all other relevant requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, as amended and the Town and Country Hearings into Shropshire's local plan resumed this month. Shropshire Live A total of 31,000 homes feature in the plan, including 600 in Tasley near Bridgnorth, 300 in Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, and 600 as part of the re-development of Ironbridge power station site. Stage 2 - Matter 4. Subject to the examination process they will then be the subject of a local referendum. Shropshire Council is aware that representations during the Local Plan Review • Up to date Local Plan is a statutory requirement; • Review will conform with national policy • Review will maintain local management over planning decisions to 2036; • Still in Pre-Submission consultation stage • ‘Final Plan’ - expected late 2019 • Independent Examination - 2019 • Adoption - Late 2020 Shropshire Council’s local plan, which sets out locations across the authority's area where housing and commercial developments are recommended to take place up until 2038, was branded The Shropshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP or ‘Cycling and Walking Plan’ for short) is our long -term plan, aimed at dramatically improving the safety, comfort and attractiveness of walking and cycling in the county. 02 Shifnal Matters, Shifnal Town Council, Tong Parish Council A0660, A0254, A0286, A0636, A0637, A0638, B-A153. Stage 1 will cover the legal and strategic issues set out below. gov. February 2023, the Planning Inspectors examining the draft Shropshire Local Plan issued an Interim Findings document (ID28). The Shropshire plan also recommends the development of green belt land. They have included a focus on the controversial area of 'duty to co-operate' - where the council has been asked to provide space for homes The Regulation 19: pre-submission draft of the Shropshire Local Plan represents an advanced and fully formed version of the Local Plan. Shropshire Council’s local plan, which sets out locations across the authority's area where housing and commercial developments are recommended to take place up until 2038, was branded The Shropshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP or ‘Cycling and Walking Plan’ for short) is our long -term plan, aimed at dramatically improving the safety, comfort and attractiveness of walking and cycling in the county. The Shropshire Plan 2022-2025 Home; The Shropshire Plan 2022-2025; Shropshire Local Plan, to support identification of appropriate main modifications in response to the consideration of the additional SA assessment work undertaken. The Local Plan Review will seek to achieve balanced housing and employment growth within Albrighton, through the provision of around 500 dwellings and around 5 hectares of employment development between 2016 and 2036. It's currently planned that the next LTP will run to 2038. Place plans play a vital role in delivering this investment, and in doing so help deliver the council's Local Development Framework (LDF) programme, as well as wider community priorities. The plan includes policies The council invites comments on new documents relating to housing, employment and Green Belt land requirements until 11 June 2024. What is the draft Shropshire Local Plan 1. 0345 678 9000. Full details of the issue Shropshire Local Plan and NPPF Position Statement. These objections are summarised in SD014. Further to our letter dated 28 October 2024 we are now able to set out in detail To inform the ongoing Local Plan Review, we undertook an eight-week consultation on the Regulation 18: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan, which started on 3 August 2020 and concluded on 30 September 2020. 01 Shropshire Council. 5. 3. . No other warranty, The Shropshire local plan will set out which parts of the county will be developed but only after the 359-page document has been put under a line-by-line examination over two weeks. S2-Bishops-Castle. Please note You'll need to register to save searches and track applications (simply register your name and email address) 26/01/2021 - Permalink Local Plan consultation extended by three weeks Related topics: Democracy / Planning A public consultation into the latest – pre-submission – version of Shropshire Council’s Local Plan has been extended by three weeks and will now close at 5pm on Friday 26 February [2021]. Beta This is a new service — your feedback will help us to improve it. The inspectors have been so frustrated at perceived Find out more about the plans and policies that direct and enforce local planning and development Neighbourhood and community-led plans. S2A4 - Agenda Stage 2 Day 4 Matter 4. Search keywords: Search. Shropshire’s Local Plan has passed a significant stage following the Stage 1 Hearing sessions. The inspectors have been so frustrated at perceived SAMDev maps. This followed the completion of the Stage 1 Hearing Sessions, which focused on legal and strategic issues (including strategic policies). ID28 addressed a range of matters, including the need for additional work Shropshire Council Local Plan Delivery and Viability Study – July 2020 2 Important Notice HDH Planning & Development Ltd has prepared this report for the sole use of Shropshire Council in accordance with the instructions under which our services were performed. pdf in SAMDev maps Created on 23/10/2017 16:08:43. Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan consultation; and . The draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) represents an advanced and fully formed version of the Local Plan. 2. They were also subsequently subject to the Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Consultation and WEM010 was identified as a proposed allocation within the submission version of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (SD002). Telephone. This service point gives information on council services (from Monday to Friday), together with a wide range of community information. Tel: 07582 310364, email: programme. 35 residential or residential-led mixed use site allocations benefit from Planning Permission(s) that address the entirety of the site. Shropshire Council. out of sites since submission of the draft Shropshire Local Plan, it is proposed that 65 of these residential or residential-led mixed use site allocations are ‘saved’. This is a pdf file and is less than 1mb in size. The County is situated in the far western in the Craven Arms Place Plan area is justified, effective, and consistent with national policy. GC44 Shropshire Local Plan Updated Additional Sustainability Appraisal Report - April 2024; GC45 Updated Housing and Employment Topic Paper - April 2024; GC46 Updated Green Belt Topic Paper - April 2024; GC47 Five Year Supply Statement (2023) Draft Shropshire Local Plan; GC48 Shropshire Council Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023 The Shropshire Local Plan currently comprises the Core Strategy (adopted 2011) and the Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan (adopted 2015), together with the adopted Neighbourhood Plans for Much Wenlock and Shifnal. This consultation, which runs until 11 June 2024, focuses on a number of new documents the council has been asked to prepare by the appointed examining inspectors following 0 | Page . This is a pdf file and is 4mb in size. Contact information E-mail. This followed completion of the Stage 1 Hearing Sessions, which focused on legal and strategic issues (including strategic policies). Shropshire Local Plan Review: Consultation on Preferred Sites November 2018 21 4. 15. Shropshire Council will look at sites to build 1,500 new homes in the 'east of the county', as it looks to salvage its local plan. pdf in SAMDev maps Created on 23/10/2017 16:08:40. Abbey Foregate. The inspector’s report was received by the council on 30 October 2015. Related The concerns initially raised by the parish council stated the site was not in the current Shropshire Local Plan (2006-2026), and the proposal was instead based on the emerging Draft Local Plan 1. pdf in Stage 2 - Matter 21 Created on 24/09/2024 17:10:35. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are intended to expand upon policy or provide Shropshire's Lib Dems are calling on the local authority to appoint a deputy portfolio holder to Cabinet and more planners to tackle the "serious concerns" raised by inspectors over its local plan. 01). The Regulation 18: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan identified a draft Shropshire Council submitted the draft Local Plan for examination in September 2021, and public hearings, led by appointed planning inspectors, were held in 2022 and 2023. This is the website of Shropshire Council. The tests of soundness are set out in paragraph 35 of the National 04/02/2025 - Permalink Cabinet asked to agree council’s response to Local Plan inspectors Related topics: Democracy / Planning A report will be presented to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet next week (12 February 2025), asking them to agree the council’s response to a letter from the Local Plan Inspectors, following hearing sessions in October 2024 – including a proposed new Shropshire Council has been asked to undertake further work on its Local Plan and set out how this can be achieved in the next six months. 8 Shropshire Council is currently at an advanced stage of a Local Plan Review. This is a pdf file and is less The Local Plan will achieve this by providing a policy framework that establishes an up to date and objective assessment of development needs and supports sustainable development in Shropshire during the period to 2036. uk. Related We're currently developing the fourth Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Shropshire. 13. M4. Please use the interactive map to see the site allocations within the plan, as well as any environmental constraints. The council has been given six months to address 13 areas of “concern” identified in an inspectors' letter following stage 2 hearings in October 2024. Shropshire Council has expressed its surprise and disappointment after planning inspectors A total of 31,000 homes feature in the plan, including 600 in Tasley near Bridgnorth, 300 in Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury, and 600 as part of the re-development of Ironbridge power station site. We will now be able to move to the next stage of the Evidence base documents that informed the preparation of the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) up to its submission to the Secretary of State on 3 September 2021. Shropshire Council has prepared a new draft Shropshire Local Plan, which is currently the subject of Government for examination. The draft Shropshire Local Plan proposes: a new vision and framework for the future development of Shropshire to 2038; addresses needs and A council has expressed “surprise and disappointment” after planning inspectors labelled its local plan “unsound” - and ordered it to address concerns by the end of this month. S1-Albrighton. Inspectors have written to the council following public hearing sessions in October 2024. The Examination Library also includes all the Examination Stage Documents. At each stage the Council has consulted widely, utilising the Council’s The SAMDev Plan was adopted by Shropshire Council on 17 December 2015. Dear Representor, Examination of the Shropshire Local Plan (2016 - 2038) I am writing to you because you have made representations concerning the Draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038), published by the Local Planning Authority under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). These include issues with its “illogical” site selections and accommodation of unmet need for the neighbouring Black Country, as well as the need to extend the plan period by three years because of delays to date. It identifies a vision and framework for The council's Cabinet will approve the latest version of the Local Plan for 2016 to 2038 on 20 July 2020, and invite public comments for eight weeks. The purpose of this examination is to assess whether the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) meets the tests of soundness defined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (explained in Paragraphs 35-36 of the NPPF) The confirmation of the resumption of the hearings, which first started in 2022, comes after planning inspectors demanded answers from Shropshire Council over a number of issues earlier this year. The LTP process is the key mechanism through which Shropshire Council, as a local transport authority, can set out the long-term strategy for the development, management and maintenance of Shropshire’s highway and transport network. This includes subsequent statements and other The Local Plan Review Shropshire Council is undertaking a partial review of the Local Plan for the period 2016 to 2038. This examination is currently ongoing. Shropshire. Shropshire Council is aware that representations during the Local Plan Review • Up to date Local Plan is a statutory requirement; • Review will conform with national policy • Review will maintain local management over planning decisions to 2036; • Still in Pre-Submission consultation stage • ‘Final Plan’ - expected late 2019 • Independent Examination - 2019 • Adoption - Late 2020 Shropshire Local Plan (SD002). It identifies a vision and framework for the future development of Shropshire to 2038; addresses needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and See more The Local Plan is one of the council's most important policies and sets out locations across the authority's area where housing and commercial developments are Disappointment at Inspectors’ Local Plan review request Related topics: Planning. 1 The Shropshire Local Plan currently comprises the Core Strategy (adopted 2011) and the Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan (adopted 2015), together with the adopted Neighbourhood Plans for Much Wenlock and Shifnal. 9 The draft Shropshire Local Plan identifies a vision and framework for the The draft neighbourhood plan will then be considered by an independent examiner, to consider how the plan fits in with local and national planning policies. Skip to content Skip to navigation Shropshire Council website. 14. These documents set out proposals for the use of The draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) was submitted to the secretary of state for examination on 3 September 2021. • The Local Plan should give further consideration to the detailed needs and opportunities of the Market Towns of Shrewsbury, Market Drayton, Ludlow; the Key Centres of Bishop’s Castle, Broseley, Highley, Much Wenlock, Shifnal, Wem and the smaller settlements of The latest important consultation has followed four earlier stages of consultation on the Local Plan since 2017. Skip to content There are 18 place plan areas in Shropshire and you can use the links on this page to find out more about them, and to view and download Our Shropshire Local customer service points offer a place for our residents to talk to friendly council staff face to face and get support. This additional SA Assessment work was a very important consideration when the Regulation 18 Plan-Making consultations (EV005. f. officer@shropshire. New homes under construction The Hearings into Shropshire's local plan resumed this month. Skip to content. Page 2 . They included: a. This site stores certain information as 'cookies' on your device in order to improve your website experience with Shropshire Council. 5. This The full plans are available to view online at Shropshire Council's planning portal using reference number: 25/00361/OUT Similar stories 'Infrastructure already at breaking point': Villagers react Shropshire Local Plan issued an Interim Findings document (ID28). This is a pdf file and is 8mb in size. Related The Local Plan seeks to set an appropriate and sound strategy for the county, which has already been informed by five stages of public consultation. uk _____ Mr West Planning Policy Shropshire Council PO BOX 4826 Shrewsbury SY1 9LJ 10 December 2024 Dear Mr West Shropshire Local Plan Examination: Inspectors’ findings following stage 2 hearing sessions 1. The County is situated in the far western Shropshire Council’s proposed local plan is made up of a combined 31,300 homes from 2016 to 2038, as well as 320 hectares of employment land - a figure which has been adjusted during the plan The Shropshire Plan 2022 to 2025 sets the direction for the next three years within the framework of our longer term strategies. The Local Plan is one of the council's most important policies and sets out locations across the authority's area where housing and commercial developments are recommended to take place up until 2038. 01 and GC4o. b. 18. Supplementary planning documents and standing advice. Of these: a. Cookies. The review includes consideration of housing requirements (including objectively assessed need), employment land requirements, the distribution of development, and a review of green belt boundaries, as part of the The comments come from inspectors Louise Crosby and Elaine Worthington, who are carrying out the examination of Shropshire's proposed local plan. The Local Plan will achieve this by providing a policy framework that establishes an up to date and objective assessment of development needs and supports sustainable development in Shropshire during the period to 2036. We also share information about your use of the site with analytics partners who may combine it with Stage 2 - Matter 21. They have included a focus on the controversial area of 'duty to co-operate' - where the council has been asked to provide space for homes The Local Development Scheme is the ‘Project Plan’ that identifies the documents Shropshire Council will prepare as part of the Development Plan over the next 3-year period. These Hearing Sessions were primarily undertaken in July 2022, with Stage 2 - Matter 4. customer. Housing and Employment Topic Paper . These documents include the draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038), the draft Policies and Inset Maps, the supporting assessments (including Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment and the Equality and Social Inclusion Impact Assessment), other Regulation 19 Consultation Shropshire Council published the Regulation 19: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan and its supporting documents on 18 December 2020 in order to invite representations from all parties on its soundness, legal compliance and compliance with the duty-to-cooperate. If after the Stage 1 hearing sessions, we consider that in relation to these issues the Local Shropshire Local Plan, to support identification of appropriate main modifications in response to the consideration of the additional SA assessment work undertaken. 17. 01 and EV007. Find out more about the areas being consulted on within the Shropshire Local Plan partial review. pdf in SAMDev maps Created on 23/10/2017 16:08:47. Shropshire Local Plan issued an Interim Findings document (ID28). Postal Address. This The full plans are available to view online at Shropshire Council's planning portal using reference number: 25/00361/OUT Similar stories 'Infrastructure already at breaking point': Villagers react Shropshire Council's Local Plan (2016 to 2038) was submitted back in 2021 but faced significant delays after Government inspectors raised concerns over their proposals. Shropshire Local Plan . This stage of consultation sought views from all interested parties on the Regulation 18: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan. 1- S7. Representations were invited by 5pm on Friday 26 February 2021 (the The Regulation 18: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan identifies a draft vision and draft framework for the future development of Shropshire to 2038, addressing such issues as the needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure; and seeks to safeguard the environment The Local Plan will achieve this by providing a policy framework that establishes an up to date and objective assessment of development needs and supports sustainable development in Shropshire during the period to 2036. 11. These documents set out proposals for the use of land and policies to guide future development in order to The draft Shropshire Local Plan (2016 – 2038) represents an advanced and fully formed version of the Local Plan. service@shropshire. Once adopted, a neighbourhood plan forms part of the Development Plan, for the specific area it covers. M21. Shropshire Council, Planning Policy & Strategy Team, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY2 6ND. The Local Development Scheme explains: The purpose of the Local Plan documents which form the Development Plan for Shropshire; The resources the Council will require; and The Local Plan is one of the council's most important policies and sets out locations across the authority's area where housing and commercial developments are recommended to take place up until 2038. pdf in Stage 2 - Matter 4 Created on 11/10/2024 14:22:55. pdf in Stage 2 - Matter 21 Created on 24/09/2024 17:10:33. By enabling residents and stakeholders to provide formal feedback at this stage, we are ensuring a fair and transparent process before the plan moves forward for independent review. pdf in Stage 2 - Matter 4 Created on 24/09/2024 10:40:41. The interactive maps form part of the SAMDev Plan. 683 respondents – equating to 2,443 individual Representations - to the 10 week Regulation 19: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan consultation . The Local Plan, first put forward in 2021, sets the overall growth strategy for the county until 2038. Examination into Shropshire Local Plan 1 | P a g e ID7 Shropshire Local Plan Examination Stage 1 Matters, Issues and Questions Introduction The examination will take place in two stages. 4, and then appropriately expanded upon through the other policies of the draft Shropshire Local Plan. The Shropshire Local Plan covers the administrative area of Shropshire Council; a large and diverse County, predominantly rural in nature, covering around 320,000 hectares, 98% of which is classified as rural. consultation to inform the Local Plan Review was undertaken from the 3rd August 2020 to the 30th September 2020. Shropshire Council's local plan was thrown into chaos earlier this month with a bombshell letter from inspectors examining the document. 1. Inspectors have written to the council The draft Shropshire Local Plan should comply with all other relevant requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, as amended and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, as amended. Update Published in: April 2024 A report will be presented to Shropshire Council’s Cabinet next Wednesday, asking them to agree the council’s response to a letter from the Local Plan Inspectors, following hearing sessions in October 2024 – including a proposed new timetable for the plan. Information around more localised community led planning. The Local Plan will set the growth strategy for the county to 2038 and guide Shropshire Council has been asked to undertake further work on its Local Plan and set out how this can be achieved in the next six months. When adopted, the draft Shropshire Local Plan will set the overall growth strategy for the county to 2038, and will provide the policy framework for how the council takes decisions on planning The Local Plan sets out a clear vision to manage growth, protect our environment, and invest in the right infrastructure for our communities. Details of how to use the online planning register are available in the quick reference guide under the related documents on this page. These Hearing Sessions were primarily undertaken in July 2022, with Shropshire Council has begun an important public consultation regarding the emerging Local Plan for the county. It identifies a vision and framework for the future development of Shropshire to 2038; addresses needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure; and seeks to safeguard the Core Submission Documents are available to view below. The Shropshire Local Plan Review will set out a plan for effective growth in the county until 2038, responding to local issues while having full regard to national planning policy and guidance. A Schedule of Submission Documents is available. It has met the legal ‘Duty to Co-operate’, which effectively means the inspectors are satisfied that Shropshire Council has worked with neighbouring and closely-related authorities. Specifically, a draft Shropshire Local Plan has been prepared and submitted to Government for examination. Shirehall. Shropshire Council is aware that representations during the Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Consultation included objections to the site assessment process undertaken to identify proposed allocation HNN016. The Shropshire countryside from the air. Robert Macey, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for housing and strategic planning, said: “This latest version of the Plan was due to go before Cabinet later this month but we have decided to push that back by two weeks. 6. grqohpypakvhftyopdzfhefwjrwcvsoqassnuwhxvdsglwksrdeqzejthoqxfxnfexnwfprdkcojz