Arduino fan rpm without interrupt. The code works fine except for a small detail.

Arduino fan rpm without interrupt On a leonardo, you could have 5 fans on interrupts, and a mega has 6 external interrupts. Please I am trying to write some code to read the speed of a fan (RPM) from the signal output of a CPU fan without using interrupts with the arduino. The rotation sensor on the fan can interface with the Arduino. 1) What would be the best way to determine the rpm's Hy i`m using this code to read fan RPM ,and i need sone help, i need to read multiple fans and dont now how to modify this code ,can someone help me pls, just a short kick will be nice. Currently, I have part that measuring RPM with optical encoder disk with 24 slots on it. hi there,, i am really new in using arduino and i am trying to build a small project that read the RPM from PC fan and control the speed by using PWM. I'm using the Arduino as an interface between my laptop and the robot's electronics. If you only want 2 fans, the uno has 2 external interrupts, so you can use the same strategy as your example, just make another interrupt function for fan 2 and attach it on interrupt 1 instead of 0. system October 27, 2010, fan speed without interrupts. This works as it should, the fans' RPM are calculated correctly. "using the comment My fan doesn't go to 5040 thousand RPM. This code int coil = 7; unsigned long rpm; unsigned long last_time; unsigned long period; volatile int Just started working on Arduino projects. Fan Spec. I know it's maximum RPM, so I would like to be able to display both its RPM and its % I am reading a 12V PC fan's RPM, the signal is connected to an arduino pin and to +5v via a 10K pullup resistor. I am doing a project where i am supposed to create PID controller of a dc motor using rotary encoder. unsigned long someArray[2] = {0,0}; unsigned char rpmindex = 0; void RPM_isr() { rpmindex ^= 1; someArray[rpmindex] = micros(); } // And then in the main body { // Disable interrupts // Copy someArray to a localArray // reEnable interrupts // Compute the interval Hi there Im new in the Arduino family but very entusiastic Im running a sketch in order to simulate the fuel inyection and spark control of a system using the sensors (temperature, pressure, HEI module) etc from my old car. I don't need direction and If you only want 2 fans, the uno has 2 external interrupts, so you can use the same strategy as your example, just make another interrupt function for fan 2 and attach it on (And for 4 pin connections fan, the fourth pin is to control the speed of fan using PWM signals. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. If I comment out or place the cli() command at the end of the Hello, I am new to this forum, If i did something wrong please let me know, I am doing my best to adhere to the rules. This interrupt is timing the interval between two pulses On D3 I have a wire connected to D9 that generates Hello, I am working at project of digital speed fan controller with LM2596 power switching converters. For phase cutting, every half frequency it will triggers interrupts and then arduino will triggers TRIAC. I want to I have two PWM fans where I read their RPM with an Interrupt Service Routine. ICACHE_RAM_ATTR tell Arduino to store this As like 3 wire DC fan this is also contains hall effect sensor and has 4 wires, Red for +Vcc, black for Gnd, Yellow/White for signal output from Hall sensor and Blue for PWM signal viz we can control speed of fan by varying PWM signal. Cheers! Arduino Forum CD4051 and PWM/PFM signal multiplexing. My goal with this code is to monitor 3 separate pumps flows using interrupts. Find this I am trying to build a cadence counter for an on bike computer. I found some code, that I fail to understand, on Ferederico Dossena's site linked below. Only because your code uses the timer that drives those pins to define a gate for counting the rpm. I am using a water flow sensor that I need to count the pulses from in hz and I am also using an xbee shield. ) This project gives quick intro to- 1) Using Interrupts of arduino boards (here arduino Due) 2) Interfacing internal Hall effect sensor of fan with RPM detection. Here is a schematic of 3 fans connected to pins 19, 20, and 21 Hello, I am currently trying to use these optical encoders for a feedback loop to control some DC motors. This was the first time I had to implement an external interrupt feature. Here's the code in loop Digispark Pro (One fan) Arduino Uno/Nano (One fan) Teensy 2. The motor takes a 20-100Hz PWM input and has a tachometer output. I'm using an ISR to read the PWM tachometer signal on D2 and Timer/Counter2 to output a ~30Hz on D9 (OC2A). I'm currently working on similar project. Thank you. The fan I'm using is a 3pin fan, the yellow wire is the reporting one. 0 (Two fans) Arduino Mega (Four fans) And easy custom configuration to allow any other board with one 16-bit timer and free hardware interrupt pin per fan configured to be used. My problem is that the code work with an Arduino Uno but when I use In this section, I show you how to connect the speed signal (tachometer signal) of a 3 or 4-wire fan to an Arduino to measure the fan speed. Now, I would like to calculate the RPM by using the input capture pin and timer1. 3a fan. ( 2*duty cycle/one rotate) FG wire software pull up state I have a code that counts pulses using an interrupt function when a falling edge occurs, calculating the RPM. The period of time it is normal period / rev affect the calculation rpm. Timers and Learn how to use arduino to control fan. I uses Hall effect sensor to calculate the speed, and Compass sensor to read the bike angular direction. I based my code on this site Arduino Playground - ReadingRPM but for me this setup does not work at all. The most important feature is they're ISR-based timers. It works perfectly, but I want to ask a little question. The "polling" part from the analog read of the sensors runs smooth I also made a "PANTALLA()" (display, im latin speaker) function to display in a I would like to read at least 4 fan RPM signals with arduino nano. It works perfectly (still need to add the voltage part of the code) with 3-pin fans but on most PWM fans the RPM reads way too high (like 9k+ So I am using Arduino UNO to do phase cutting and read Fan RPM. That means the fan can pull the pin down, but cannot pull it up past 5V and damage the arduino by feeding 12V into VCC through the pin-protect diode. I was having crashes before I added the ICACHE_RAM_ATTR parameter to the function. After all they are used in quadcopters and they receive the signals from the receptor in PPM and they can reade 8 channels with no problem. The fan I'm using is 5400 RPM. How can I count pulses without an interrupt routine? Thanks in advance This library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on an ESP32-based board. Since the counter millis() is not incrementing while an interrupt is running this code cannot measure too high RPMs. the code: /*To disable interrupts: cli(); // disable global interrupts and to enable them: sei(); // enable interrupts */ //Varibles used for calculations int NbTopsFan; int Calc; I am really short of interrupt pins on my arduino cause I have a project that already uses a lot of arduino pins and to read DMP data from MPU6050 you always have to use an interrupt pin. Timers' interval is very long (ulong millisecs). this is the code i am using: const int rpmPin = 2; void setup() { Serial. I'm trying to control a 4-pin CPU fan using PWM at 25khz and then read back the fan speed using a 10kohm pullup resistor. I am using an Arduino Mega Hello! The project I'm working on involves a current sensor and an IR sensor which monitors the status of a fan. 40/1023 * 5 = roughly . Programming. I hope I'm not posting in the wrong place. Arduino is measuring RPM and printing that on serial monitor. I would like to control and measure 4 computer fans channels. : 24V 4wire(+ - FG PWM) FG is sensor that generate pulse. The best way to read this is to use one of the Arduino pins that can Arduino - Fan RPM measurement using internal hall effect sensor (Hardware Interrupts and LCD) With this HES output wire can be directly connected to interrupt pin (here pin 12) without using an external 10kohm pull-up resistor. 0; // I prefer Giday Mates, I'm trying to hack up some code to drive my arduino uno tachometer. Thanks to the help on timer2 I managed to drive the fan on the required 25kHz frequency. Since the motors I'm This article is about the speed measurement of a fan with an Arduino. The hardware consists of a IR LED and IR photosensor (SFH229 and SFH4350) spaced about 7mm apart at a radius of 23mm, a I want to use the signal wire on a three wire computer fan to measure the fan's speed. However, I do not know how to code this to get the RPM. How could I edit my sketch to incorporate the delay (or its intended purpose- see sketch comments) and not disturb the interrupt's usefulness? Thank you. josephchrzempiec //Set count to 0 ready for calculations sei();//Enables interrupts delay (1000);//Wait 1 second cli();//Disable interrupts //Multiply pulseCount (which is apprioxiamately the fequency the fan So trying to get the reading of the fan RPM, to eventually add it to another project. I have read and viewed video's about this subject for days, but I have a hard time making it work. Ex: analogWrite(transistor,0); //RPM 0 analogWrite(transistor,255); // RPM around 900 however, say I were to write I am recording the RPM of a motor as start to a bigger project, the below code seems to have a limit of around 7000 to 8000 RPM. But, I want to output a PWM voltage to the movement of an analog gauge. The other pins seem to be offsetting my signal by anywhere from 1 - 2. I'd like to output a control signal while reading the RPM. Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum, and this is my first post here. Have an issue with a current project I'm working on regarding RPM readings. Thete are other ways of doing this too, e. My problem is that I have multiple codes in one Arduino, and using an Interrupt function to get the RPM every time a magnet passes by would greatly disrupt my other functions. Or put two fans per Arduino, so you'd only need five. Half frequency(50Hz) is 20ms. I have everything working and getting the photoresistor to output according. You need to use an external interrupt that triggers every time the fan rotates (it triggers 2x per full rotation). My script is based on this tutorial (Reading PC Fan RPM with an Arduino). Here's the code declarations : // RPM Hello experts. It expects to be connected with a pullup resistor and it generates 2 impulses per rotation. Crypto Attention: the following suggestion doesn't work on an ATtiny85, since it only has 1 timer input pin. // Disable a pressure switch Guys, This is more like a physics question or maybe I don't know this part in my project. I use both of them nicely, but i have problem when migrating them in the same board/system. 20 times per second. It will display fan RPM, PWM% and Voltage on the LCD. But if you dwell equals = 100. So the sensor is interfaced correctly and I'm getting a reading (for example when I'm trying with the line put under Hi All, I'm a complete Arduino Newbie trying to do a project controlling a 120mm 4 pin case fan using an Arduino MEGA 2560. 83rps, or doing a revolution for 63ms. use micros() to time the interval between Hi, I made a code for the Arduino to control a PC Fan via PWM pin and get the RPM from its Tac pin. I'm trying to use an Arduino Nano to control a micropump motor. the compass calculations affects the speed calculations inside interrupts. So far, I have been able to somewhat control the fan speed by varying the duty cycle on the PWM I want to control the speed of a 4 wire fan with a potentiometer, I guess the fan needs a higher frequency. I have a circuit which controls the fan speed based on the amount of light in the room. How to properly control PWM fans with Arduino - In terms of the tacho output, note that the fan is 12V and the arduino is NOT, therefore you should put a diode between the tacho pin and your arduino speed-input pin (anode on the arduino side). THX. So far, what I do know is that the fan utilizes a hall effect sensor which sends pulses (2?) for every revolution. For each motor I need to measure its speed (rotations per minute). Please suggest how I should solve the issue. I initially ran the code on an Uno and it worked fine without issue. I transferred over to the Nano and the code is not working here. g. Hi all, I am new to interrupts and struggling with the interrupts. In my sketch it appears to me that the interrupt is closed prior to the delay function yet the delays are not taking place. I had to use the prescaler on TCCR2 to get to the lower RPM detection. 2: 1669: May 5, 2021 Problem about reading CPU Fan RPM when Fan is PWM Controlled. That's why I bought 3 encoders. The following code worked for me (at the time of post). In the code below, by setting the "var" variable to a value between 0 and 40 it is possible to set different fan speeds. I've calculated the time it takes my other functions Hello, I have 3 DC motors to control (and each of them will use the same functions to be controlled, but with different parameters), so I decided to create a class called "motor". I am using Funduino Mega 2560 board as system brain. In my project firstly I thought to use something like state Hi, I'm trying to read rpm. Basically, I am finding the rpm and speed outputs (interrupt timing pulse widths) to jump from time to time. If you follow the link that I gave in that post, you will find a way to measure RPM without using up a timer. Serial output without the analogWrite (100% PWM for fans): RPM: 1320 RPM 2: 1320 RPM: 1350 RPM 2: 1320 (in the Arduino IDE). It uses pin 13. However, after I have calculated the fans' RPM I would like to delay the loop for 60 sec but the delay() function doesn't seems to work. 2 volts max. If I then insert the code to display on an LCD via I2C the code stops and nothing is dispalyed. It now supports 16 ISR-based timers, while consuming only 1 hardware Timer. In addition, I am trying to figure it out how to put desirable speed through serial port and still get the reading from rpm In the ISR instead of increment a count, compute the amount of time elapsed since the last ISR fire. Measuring the pulses through a diode, the adc returns values between 15-40. print (rpm); // print the rpm value. BulldogLowell July 21, 2014, 3 Interrupts and buffer values I need to read the RPMs of some 12v PC fans so I wrote up a quick sketch to have an ESP32 monitor and log the RPM for me. Alright, so I have built a laptop carrying robot that is powered by two DC motors. You cannot just connect the yellow wire of a 3 or 4-wire fan to a digital input of RPM: 750 RPM 2: 7830. I am trying to use attachInterrupt() and detachInterrupt() to to sample each pin for one second so that the interrupts don't get mix with each other. I got the part where I am supposed to calculate rmp but I am straggling with PID. For two interrups per full rotation use rpmcount * 30. Found a tutorial on how to do it online. I'm new to electronics and code writing. And for reading rpm, my fan running at 950rpm or 15. I need help reading RPM from a 3 wire 12v 1. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with Arduino. The global variable holding the RPM value becomes zero the moment it's called outside the interrupt function. Business, Economics, and Finance. 2: 1669: May 5, 2021 Reading pc fan RPM. when using this code to get the rpm, Because of the 1 second delay the PID code is only getting a rpm update every second which is making my I would like to use all the interrupt pins on the Arduino MEGA 2560 to simultaneously read RPM from different fans. I am not good at programming and have been trying other RPM projects modified to my setup. I'm using dfrobot's line tracking sensor and grove's rotary detection code to measure rpm. Code ( see below ) is pretty obvious - I I've borrowed some code to help me write a frequency counter. . Therefore, their executions are not blocked by bad-behaving functions or tasks. These encoders generate signals which are I'm brand new to the Arduino and I have an UNO. Here lies my code. I have a problem with the B output of encoder so I'm just using one output. Hi folks ! Can someone try this sketch and help me to understand why the result on serial monitor is jumping at regular interval. I want to measure the rpm of a pulse motor. My code is able to read the RPM of the fan when I set the PWM pin to either 0 or 255. rotate 1st motor 100 steps, 2nd motor 200 steps, and 3rd motor 300 steps. I Arduino Forum RPM of Fan speed? Projects. I am just trying to move each motor a certain amount in a specific order Ex. fan speed without interrupts. for the PWM reading am referring to this articular example: which is works great with me and i can read the RPM value for the PWM control am using the fading example in the analog . I'm prepping a sketch for my motorbike's odometer/tachometer and am using Arduino, nokia 5110 LCD and Hall effect Hi A bit of a funny one here. They appear to work well in some of the videos I am using a 12V, 4 pin (+12, ground, sense, control) Arctic F9 PWM fan (specs: Motherboard Form Factors) with my Arduino Uno. It will adjust 3-pin types via voltage and 4-pin via PWM obviously. The way I am doing this is by using 3 For Loops that will power each motor accordingly until the amount of Hi, I am using arduino UNO to calculate my bike speed and direction. In this project I would like to use 4 pwm outputs (Timer 1 and Timer 3) with 8 bit Fast PWM Mode at prescaller equal 1 ~62kHz (or something lower but not basic 1kHz or 490Hz, maybe about 25kHz to use Hello Forumees, I've read through the forums a lot regarding a Tachometer plan WITHOUT using an interrupt function, but I couldn't find one. I want the Arduino to tell my computer the RPM of the robot's wheels. I've found a lot of already existing programs but they are all runing on Arduino UNO and I use an Arduino MEGA 2560 I decided to use this program : //Define Variables int ticsPerRev = 16; // define number of tics per rev of code wheel float rpm = 0. Right now I can only read RPM on pins 18 and 19. Any suggestions Greetings guys. More specifically, I have a fan that I'm reading the RPM from. But when I implement the write, it seems to impact the function of the Hello! I'm trying to calculate the percentage of something in Arduino. On D2 I have a pin connected to an IR obstacle avoidance sensor to measure the RPM of a wheel. Some people also said the only way to do that would be if I I've seem to have run into a wall when trying to get the RPM of a DC Motor to use for PID Control. Timers and Hi, It's my first post on this forum and I was inspired by this thread for my project : Ref: RPM thread I'm looking to log the RPM on a timer (0 here) for 1000 ms as a subfunction of my main code. int potPin = 0; // Analog pin 0 connected to the potentiometer const int transistorPin = 9; // connected from digital pin 9 to the base of the transistor int potValue = 0; // value returned from the potentiometer int NbTopsFan; Dear all, in my current project I am using a Noctua NF-A14 DC 5V DC fan. My question is how do I count the pulses How I can measure the RPM of a fan using polling instead interrupt? Why I want to use a more complex method if the interrupt method is more easy and accurate? Because on Arduino I have only 2 or 4 interrupt PIN (Arduino Mini/Mega). Currently I have tried an if statement, when the photoresistor passes a value, to calculate the period. I've butchered my own code so I'm going to start fresh with examples of just the rpm code so it's easier to understand. Code ( see below ) is pretty obvious - I Hello! I'm trying to calculate the percentage of something in Arduino. It has 4 south facing magnets around the drum and I'm trying to use an independent reed switch to send the signal to the hello, this is my first post here and I hope someone can help me. print ("RPM = \t "); //print the word "RPM" and tab. the problem is that I get my Rpm reading at constant 0. zYxMa: Also dc42 suggested that I don't use pin 9 and 10 for what I wanted. Both fans and the board are connected directly to the power supply and using the same ground. ) FanSpeed::getPulseCounter() returns the pulse counter FanSpeed::reset() Resets the pulse counter FanSpeed::process() Handling counter, use depends on the type of class, in the case of pin that supports interrupt (class FanSpeedInt), this function must be called in the callback function, otherwise if you use an ordinary digital port, the function must be called a global The fan RPM signal is SLOW, just grabed a laptop fan, on full blast they put out around 130-140Hz, so even using 10 PCINT's the microcontroller has plenty of time to read all that. How to program for Arduino to turn fan on/off. So far I had good results controlling the speed of the fan using Arduino but This playground article reads the RPM of a fan without using delay() or anything else that stop the processor for a time longer than necessary from doing the relevant stuff: Arduino Playground - ReadingRPM. I have borrowed some code (many thanks to whoever supplied it) to read the RPM of a fan connected to pin2 on a Nano. I am trying find out if this is a limitation of my hardware, the design of the hardware, code or Arduino. The xbee shield documentation seems to show that it uses digial ports 2 and 3 which are also the only two interrupts on the duemilanove. However, the fan speed I'm reading back is Hi, It's my first post on this forum and I was inspired by this thread for my project : Ref: RPM thread I'm looking to log the RPM on a timer (0 here) for 1000 ms as a subfunction of my main code. Hi everyone, I'm trying to get a RPM reading from a Hall effect sensor triggering an arduino input. When I logged the output from the RPM = 60000 / (rotation time in ms) We use interrupt to detect whenever the SW is active, set a flag then use timer to count the time between active state RPM Measuring uses high frequency hardware timer 1Hz == 1ms) to measure the time from of one rotation, in ms then convert to RPM. To calculate the RPMs, I must count the pulses it outputs. Hi ! I'm working on a school project where I have to measure the rounds per minute of a bicycle wheel. I'm feeding the input pin with a 10 Hz 0-5volts square wave (so low time is 100ms ). The problem is that I have to wait for 2 sec in my main loop because another sensor need this break to capture an accurate value. //Define Interrupt Pin (2 or 3 @ Arduino Uno) int InterruptCounter, rpm; void setup () The sample code provides usable results, which showed a deviation of around 60 RPM for the fan used in this test. Is there any code available that Hi all I'm trying to measure RPM of a DC Motor using Quadrature encoder. This runs fine but outputting the values to the serial monitor. My hello I am using arduino to make an RPM meter to read the pulses off an ordinary intel cpu fan with 3 leads (+,-, rpm signal) I tried using digitalread() and pulsein() but I get fuzzy results. However, with Hello, I am just getting started with Arduino again after a few years of not touching it. The one I am trying to work with updates the screen and rounds off the counter every 113 count it appears 🙁 I cant Hi, I just need to know how can I read 16 or more RPM sensors (Hall effect sensor on PC fan) with one Arduino? There is a lot of examples out there, I looked into most of them, and all of them are just for one PC fan! So how can I read multiple RPM sensors at once? is it possible to use one of those Analog input multiplexer? I need it because of logging 🙂 Thanks a lot I have a very powerful 12V PWM fan that I would like to control with an Arduino Nano. FAN interrupt handler is enabled for the brief period of time every 5 seconds when it should run 3-4 times. the fan should be plugged in to pin 3 in this case. I've been lurking here for a few months but haven't found exactly what I need. I have an timer interrupt that enables interruptPin/code. General Guidance. RPM signal is PFM signal. I copied this code from a video but it won't compile, anybody know why? const int fan_control_pin = 9; // Blue Wire on fan (about 25kHz PWM) int count = 0; unsigned long start_time; int rpm; void setup() { TCCR1A = 0; // undo the configuration done Hello, I am building a PID controller for a simple DC motor and for that I need to measure the rotational speed of the motor. Reading this forum and some other links I found I have put together the following code: // Hi Guys, I have been working on the simple project to enable control and feedback of the 4Pin HiSpeed fan which came from my blade server. The code works fine except for a small detail. 5V and the change is not not being detected. Serial. Attention: the following suggestion doesn't work on an ATtiny85, since it only has 1 timer input pin. However, I cannot implement an interrupt routine (ISR). My goal is to operate multiple cabinet fans and control them using PWM. I searched A LOT in the internet and many people says it's impossible to retrieve DMP data without interrupt pin. Could of course be some ripple effect but my assumption is that it should affect both Hello All, I've found myself in an annoying situation where my project works about at about 80% of my expectations and everything I've tried which should improve the project, doesn't seem to have an effect on my problem. So I am doing tests right now. 6: I am trying to use a led and photoresistor to measure the rpm of a fan with 3 blades attached to 3-6 v dc motor. The calculation of the RPM from the sensor I know the Arduino uno only has two interrupt pins(I know the Mega has six but i plan on using more than six if possible) and this is a hall effect flow sensor, which from my understanding could only count RPM's with the I attached relatively small sketch that I extracted from my much larger project. Hi I try to write code simulates the ignition, then there is a problem if dwell is equal to 1500 period / REV reduced. I'm using a hall effect sensor and Arduino Nano Every to report RPM speed of a DC motor. So, I've added an analogWrite statement to the code. My problem is that I cannot find something that can read and display accurately LOW RPM. begin(9600); pinMode(rpmPin, INPUT); } void loop() { unsigned long interval = pulseIn(rpmPin, HIGH) + pulseIn(rpmPin, LOW); int RPS = 1000000UL / interval; // Pulses per detachInterrupt (0); //Disable interrupt when calculating rpm = rpmcount * 60; // Convert frecuency to RPM, note: this works for one interruption per full rotation. The code reads a 0-5V square wave output from the engine CPU, and writes the result via a serial print. One reason for this is the rather short measurement time. I FanSpeed::getPulseCounter() returns the pulse counter FanSpeed::reset() Resets the pulse counter FanSpeed::process() Handling counter, use depends on the type of class, in the case of pin that supports interrupt (class Hello Everyone, I have read multiple posts dealing with using interrupts for the determination of RPM of a motor or propeller, with or without a Hall Sensor, IR sensor, etc. If that's not I use esp32 try to check Fan RPM with fg sensor. (In my project use FAN interrupts to measure speed of the 3-wire I'm working on a project that will test PC cooling fans - both 3-pin non PWM type and 4-pin PWM type. Hi @ all! I try to read rpm of a fan, using interrupt. Next I'll create 3 objects using that "motor" class. Using both available Timers/Counters and the signals as clock input: If you really don't want to miss any pulses, you can utilize two Timers/Counters. 11: I've read that the delay function will not run within an interrupt loop. I am building DC motor driver with special requirements - Low rpm ( 200-300 ) , constant speed, PID. Te interrupt code is: void RPMISR(){ if(RPMPulseCount == 0){ RPMStartTime=micros Hello I need fast help please, because I must read the RPM from a fan till tomorrow I tested a lot of codes and nothing to see My tested codes as examples ( i test a lot more . In this sketch there are 2 interrupt handlers: ADC interrupt handler is running all the time, approx. RPM measurement without attachInterrupt? Projects. The best way to read this is to use one of the Arduino pins that can Hello, I have an RPM sensor that outputs a digital pulse for every rotation. vwdnk olzebm gswrpyid kxba oqsy igpbh actu dotsqv vgx ttzgg tijxp vlttj fjko itcdr zmrm

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