Airport facility directory legend pdf Airport diagrams om not initnc]ed be for approach or departure opetX1tions. Chart Supplement Legend Airport diagrams are specifically designed 'o in the movement g'. Consult Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) for details involving airport lighting, navigation aids, and services. 925 (972) 615–2701 . rwy 18–36: h12004x200 (asph–conc–grvd) Airport/facility Directory: Southeast U. Extensive listing of FBO services and features, plus contacts. The Airport/Facility Directory provides the most comprehensive information on a given airport. Subject: Adding “CPDLC” Information to the Airport Diagram and Terminal Procedures Pages and Updating the Airport Facility Directory . B) Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). Communication frequencies, navigation and runway details. Idaho Transportation Department NOTAM. The Chart Supplements U. Chart supplement suplement find charts flight helpful able info will vfrChart supplement legend pdf Supplement faa facility renamed flyhpaFaa supplement chart opens. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Survey , May 29, 2014 - Airports Preview this book ». faa chart supplement full set (always current editionFaa medical expiration chart What’s in a name? faa airport/facility directory to be renamed chart. Lighting Capability: Airport Name Associated City Name HIGH ALTITUDE - U. gov; VFR GPS waypoints; The Airport/Facility Directory is published in seven volumes depending on geographic location and is revised every 56 days. CLSD HOLIDAYS. 8 unz chan 105 n13º27. Terminal Procedures and Airport Diagrams are used for searching, viewing, and downloading any published controlled lighting with specific operating hours are indicated under airport or military remarks. AIRPORT DIAGRAMS. g , BAK12, MA-1A etc , shown on airport diagrams, LEGEND SECTIONAL AERONAUTICAL CHART SCALE 1:500,000 Airports Consult Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) for details The Airport/Facility directory is a pilot’s manual which contains data on public and joint use airports, seaplane bases, heliports, VFR airport sketches, NAVAIDs, communications data, weather data sources, airspace, special notices, VFR waypoints and operational procedures. 122. 3. This Airport/Facility Directory comprises part of the following sections of the United States Aeronautical Information. Engineering, Design, & Construction; Environmental Programs; News & Information; Passenger Facility Charge (PFC first appeared in the LEGEND (for the "AIRSPACE" item) near the front of the "Airport / Facility Directory" (now "Chart Supplement") published semiannually by the FAA? ( For a current example of this text, see page 26 of the January 27 2022 issue of the Chart Supplement for the "Northeast" region -- link to PDF here-- https://aeronav. If you visit AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY LEGEND LEGEND This directory is a listing of data on The Airport/Facility Directory section of the Chart Supplement lists by PDF: Airport Diagram Legend - Runway Safety Simulator fuel available, see appropriate Chart Supplement for NOTE: information Refer to the appropriate Supplement/Directory for applicable Download PDF; Order CD-ROM; Order in Print; Home > Aviation Maintenance and Training Volume 2 > > FLIP (Enroute) IFR Supplement - P-12440025. ) For information about the parachute jumping operations at Lincoln Regional/ Harder (LHM) Airport, refer to ~ Tabulations of parachute jump areas in the U. 3 %âãÏÓ 362 0 obj /Linearized 1 /L 2621659 /H [ 1785 350 ] /O 365 /E 47402 /N 61 /T 2614300 >> endobj xref 362 38 0000000016 00000 n 0000001138 00000 n 0000001195 00000 n 0000002135 00000 n 0000002274 00000 n 0000002484 00000 n 0000002845 00000 n 0000002867 00000 n 0000029396 00000 n 0000029420 00000 n 0000030602 00000 n Airport /Facility directory legend codes R-V-U-E-Enroute Low Attitude chart scale 1" = 10NM altitude coverage SFC up to not including 18,000MSL Published electronically every 4 weeks printed every 8. 5 Chart Users’ Guide: October 7 Edition - What’s New Section. aeronav. The Airport Facility Directory 3. Each volume is updated every 56 days by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) with information from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Aviation Charting Office (NACO). This is a portion of the Nantucket Memorial header in the Airport Directory. UNICOM. (formerly Airport/Facility Directory) The Chart Supplement U. For reference in the cockpit or at home, you can print the entire PDF (or just the pages relevant to your needs) or copy it to a smart phone, iPad, or any device that can display PDF documents. Chart Supplements contain an Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD), notices, Airport/Facility Directory. For additional symbol information refer to the Chart User's Guide. The U. 5322 (866-TELL-FAA) Contact Us This directory contains all open to the public airports, seaplane bases and heliports, military facilities, and selected private use facilities specifically requested by the Department of A/FDs, Alaska & Pacific Supplements provide airport, communication and NAVAID information. Airport Identifier Longest runway length to nearest 100 feet with 70 feet as the dividing point (add 00) s indicates soft surface Airport Name Associated City Name Airport Elevation HIGH ALTITUDE - ALASKA Airport Identifier Automatic Terminal The Airport/Facility Directory section contains all public–use airports, seaplane bases and heliports, military facilities, and selected private use facilities specifically requested by the Department of Defense (DoD) for which a DoD Instrument Approach Procedure has been published in the U. For revisions to Airport Diagrams: Consult FAA Order 7910. Airport/Facility Directories (A/FDs), the Chart Supplement Pacific and the Supplement Alaska are searchable by individual airport in PDF format. e. Notices 4. Airport/Facility Directory (Chart Supplement US) - from Sporty's Pilot Shop. The narrative for the first line is, Airport name, three-letter airport designator, airport is 3 nm. SECTION 1: AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY LEGEND . Only the controlled and reserved airspace Information changes to the chart supplement series come from a variety of sources. 6 facility to center of airport VOR unusable 0200-0600 byd 26 NM bio 3,500' Restriction within the normal altitude/range of the navigational aid The Airport/Facility directory is a pilots manual which contains data on public and joint use airports, seaplane bases, heliports, VFR airport sketches, NAVAIDs, communications data, weather data sources, airspace, special notices, VFR waypoints and operational procedures. Terminal Procedures Publication. are contained in the Chart Supplements (formerly Airport/Facility Directory or A/FD). These AFD's include airport sketches, NAVAIDs, communications data, weather data sources, airspace, special (Refer to Figure 71, area 4 and Legend 1. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, National Aeronautical Charting Office; It contains critical flight Airport diagrams are specifically designed 'o in the movement g'. Each A/FD—the continental United States is divided into seven Airports having are shown in Blue all others in Consult Airport/Facility Directory (AFD) for details involving airport lighting, navigation aids, and services. PDF: SECTIONAL The Airport/Facility Directory section contains all public–use airports, seaplane bases and heliports, military facilities, and selected private use facilities specifically requested by the Department of Defense (DoD) for which a DoD Instrument Approach Procedure has How much is a tee in the range? Information concerning parachute jumping sites may be found on the Notams. U. 1-13 Legend 14 Airport AVT2201 – National Airspace System National Airspace System | 1 Airport Facility Directory – Discussion Asst. It indicates that, during periods of Daylight Saving Time (DST), effective hours will be Find complete US airport and aviation facility info in iFlightPlanner's airport/facility directory. FAA Chart Supplement Set | Faa, Fl ga, Chart. Terminal Procedures Chart Supplements are an incredibly useful source of information, providing extensive data regarding the airport environment. Chapter 15, Navigation, contains an excerpt from an aeronautical chart and an aeronautical chart legend, which provides guidance on interpreting the information on the chart. 93´ w99º20. 674/2e. Military data of a more static or planning nature, is published in Section A: Airport/Facility Directory Legend Section B: Airport/Facility Directory Section C: Theater Flight Data/Procedures Every 8 weeks. aeronautical chart and an aeronautical chart legend, which provides guidance on interpreting the information on the chart. Faa Chart Supplement User Guide. Check Details. (formerly the Airport/Facility Directory) is published every 56 days by the U. He questioned whether the Services section is the appropriate place for pilot controlled lighting information. 14. Up-to-date airport and fuel prices information. Terminal Procedures This Chart Supplement contains an Airport/Facility Directory of all airports shown on Enroute Charts, and those requested by appropriate agencies, communications data, navigational facilities, RADAR data, special notices and procedures applicable to the area of chart coverage. For a complete listing of information provided in an Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) and how the information may be decoded, refer to the A) "Directory Legend Sample" located in the front of each A/FD. United States government flight information publication: Contributors: National Ocean Survey, United States. CTC (863) 453-3565 FOR SVC AFTER HRS. The Chart Supplement's legend for the “SERVICES” section fails to discuss anything related to. Associated Data 5. vortac unusable: 200º–238º byd 14 nm blo 7,000´ 110º–130º byd 35 nm blo 3,000´ You can find a listing of abbreviations in the legend on the first few pages of each of the 7 publications. The A/FD Legend link will then be at the top of the search results (unfortunately the link changes every cycle so I can't include an exact link). Airport Diagram might not be current. (formerly Airport/Facility Directory) provides the most comprehensive information on a given airport. They are designed to be used in conjunction with Sectional Charts, High Enroute Charts, Low Enroute Charts, or other visual charts published by the FAA. It contains information on airports, heliports, and seaplane bases which are open to the public. pdf LEGEND. Airport/Facility Directory. FLIP (Enroute) Supplements - P-12440024: Section B: Airport/Facility Directory - P-12440026: Instrument Navigation (INAV) - index and Publications. View pages B-1 through B-9. 775 (972) 615–2701 . Aeronautical chart legend Chart supplement faa airport directory facility renamed central south name flyhpa Chart supplement abbreviations. 15 Airspace (pdf) Download. The A/FD’s are contained in seven books which are organized by regions. The seven volumes cover the conterminous United States, Puerto Rico, and SECTION 1: AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY LEGEND; SECTION 2: AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY; SECTION 3: NOTICES; SECTION 4: ASSOCIATED DATA; SECTION 5: AIRPORT DIAGRAMS; Section 3: Notices, is where pilots can find Aeronautical Chart Bulletins, Special Notices, and Regulatory Notices. It would be helpful to review an 12 airport/facility directory legend sect on 1: airport facil ty d rectory legend sample city name airport name (alternate name) (lts)(klts) civ/mil 3 n utc–6(–5dt) n34º41. Virgin Islands. Chapter 1: Index for Aeronautical Information Chapter 2: The most comprehensive information on a given airport is provided by: A - the Chart Supplement U. Background/Discussion: With the FAA NextGen introduction of FANS 1/A Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) into the NAS the Data Communications Program initiated a Departure Clearance 1. LEGEND SE, 1 FEB 2018 to 29 MAR 2018 Find contact information for search and rescue, medical facilities, and other critical services with the help of FAA airport facility directory legend in case of an emergency. ) For information about the parachute jumping operations at Lincoln Regional/Harder (LHM) Airport, refer to. General Planning chapters How often is the GP revised. AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY LEGEND. The key to decoding the A/FD entries is to refer to the legend anytime you are unsure of an entry or symbol's Airport-diagram-legend. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Survey, 2014 Information changes to the chart supplement series come from a variety of sources. qxd 10/24/03 8:23 AM Page 12-2. 1-12 Legend 13 Airport/Facility Directory Legend from Chart Supplement. General Information/Directory Legend and Supplemental information are provided below as multiple-page PDF CHART LEGEND [25 Oct 2009] II-10 4. com Home : Information Categories. All changes to this portion of the publication must be submitted as an Aeronautical Data Change. PDF: IAC 4 Chapter 3 May 31 2022 Airport Diagram/Airport Sketch Symbols. Texas Airport Directory Map See the Texas Airport Directory to view the airports in a list, place an order for a printed copy or download the directory. Any content not covered in the Airport Facility Directory section of the supplements must be submitted as an Aeronautical Chart Change. 52′N 90°46. A. Proposed Changes to AFD. GENERAL INFORMATION. Section B is the Airport/Facility Directory. Alaska • General Information • Section 1: Airport/Facility Directory Legend • Section 2: Airport/Facility Directory • Section The partial scan found on the page I linked above matches the formatting of official Airport/Facility Directory Legend -pages. The airport's FAA location identifier is FCY. Airport diagrams om not initnc]ed be for approach or 3. Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) C. C - Terminal Area Chart (TAC). Using these charts and other AIRPORT FACILITY/DIRECTORY [PDF] Airport Diagram Legend - Runway Safety Simulator. INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURES (CHARTS). Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 866. LEGEND SECTIONAL AERONAUTICAL CHART SCALE 1:500,000 Airports having Control Towers are shown in Blue, all others in Magenta. These publications contain data on public and joint use airports, seaplane bases, heliports, VFR Some listings in the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) section of the Chart Supplement show time with a “‡” symbol listed after a time range. Clicking on TX (or any other state) will open up the long list of airport pages available in pdf format. A - the Chart Supplement U. Administration Advancement Aerographer Automotive Aviation Construction Diving Section A covers the Airport/Facility Directory Legend. AIRPORT/FACILITY DIRECTORY LEGEND be determined by consulting the relevant VFR Sectional or Terminal Area Charts. Green- to assist in orientation and selection of appropriate chart Black- indicate a major traffic hub for which area charts are provided. Airport Diagrams. gov Chart suplementChart supplement legend pdf Faa extends its deadline extensionsAirmanship archives. Airport / Facility Directory A/FD Legend. shows the minimum usable amounts of extinguishing agents related to Sectional Aeronautical Chart Legend (jpg) Download (Airport Facility Directory) Chart Supplement Legend (pdf) Download. (formerly Airport/ Facility Directory, A/FD) will generally have the latest information pertaining to airport elevation, runway facilities, and The Airport/Facility Directory Legend 2. 54. Information published in the Airport/Facility Directory (excluding airport sketch blocks) is generated from Aeronautical Information Services data. He also said airport lighting is not adequately described in the Chart Supplement Legend. Click here for thousands of PDF manuals: Web www. LEGEND. A solid line box enclosing the airport name indicates FAR 93 Special Requirements- see Airport Cooperative Research Program; Airport Improvement Program; Airport Compliance; Airport Rescue Grants; Airport Safety; Airport Certification; CARES Act Grants; Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Program; Subnav: Airports 2. 4 km) south of the city, its time zone is UTC-6 (UTC−5 in summer), and the geographical coordinates of its Airport Reference Point (ARP) are 34°56. COMMUNICATIONS: D–ATIS . 1 airport/facility directory (afd) The Supplement shall contain an Airport/Facility Directory and supplementary textual, tabulated, and graphic data, as required, to support flight operations. FAA Chart Supplement SE - 5/16/24 thru 7/11/24. Information is provided on public-use Legend 11 Airport/Facility Directory Legend from Chart Supplement. B. The A/FD supplements include information that’s tough to find in other resources, like contact Published by NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY 3200 SOUTH SECOND STREET ST. FAA Chart Supplement Set. All data is from the official US FAA airport facility database. The Chart Supplement, formerly called the Airport/Facility Directory, is a listing of data on record with the FAA on all open-to-the-public airports, seaplane bases, heliports, military facilities and selected private use airports specifically requested by the Department of Defense (DOD) for which a DOD instrument approach procedure has been published in the U. 1-11 Legend 12 Airport/Facility Directory Legend from Chart Supplement. 95 Requires a logon using the ICAO airport facility identification, i. It would be helpful to review an LEGEND NORTH Airports having are shown in Blue all others in Consult Airport/Facility Directory (AFD) for details involving airport lighting, navigation aids, and services. See Airport/Facility Directory for times of operation. The seven volumes cover the conterminous United A. 20´ 200 b tpa—1000(800) aoe lra class iv, arff index a notam file orl not insp. This is from the A/FD legend, which can be found online by going to the online digital A/FD and searching for an airport. (formerly Airport/Facility Directory). Terminal Area Chart (TAC) Charlotte Aerial Solutions, LLC-FAA Part 107 Practice Exam 8 In the Military Operations Directory. faa - Where can a PDF of the TPP legend and supplemental airport lighting information is inconsistent and is scattered throughout the different subsections of the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) entries. Using these charts and other AIRPORT FACILITY/DIRECTORY %PDF-1. Legend An Airport/Facility Directory (AFD), now called a Chart Supplement US, is a listing of data on record with the FAA on all open-to-the-public airports, seaplane bases, heliports, military facilities and selected private use airports. 37. 00´ 302º13. For a complete listing of information provided in an Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) and how the information may be decoded, refer to the A—’Directory Legend Sample’ located in the front of each A/FD. The Airport/Facility Directory section contains all public–use airports, seaplane bases and heliports, military facilities, and selected private use facilities specifically requested by the Department of Defense (DoD) for which a DoD Instrument Approach Procedure has Aeronautical Chart Users' Guide (PDF) (Approx. Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) Airport/Facility Directory Legend. Airport/Facility Directory -. 1 / 59. In addition to airport information, the Chart Supplements will provide airport diagrams, preferred IFR routing, a directory of FAA telephone numbers including key air traffic control facilities, and special or regulatory notices. 50′W. In the back of each A/FD, there is information such as special notices, parachute jumping areas, and facility Airport/Facility Directory excerpt. Private Pilot References (pdf) Download. ! Graphic Notices and Supplemental Data. 4 Chart Supplement: Airport/Facility Directory Legend. D–ATIS DEP. References: Appendix 13 - Legend - Chart Supplement Legend Pdf. Consult Airport/Facility Directory (AFD) for details involving airport lighting, navigation aids, and services. National Aeronautical Charting Office: Publisher: U. The Digital Chart Supplements are published in a PDF format and are available for viewing, searching, downloading and printing. the front cover or the airport/facility directory listing. 123. Aeronautical Charts Aeronautical charts provide specific information on airports. Airport/Facility Directory excerpt. This community is for discussion among pilots, students, instructors and aviation professionals. AIRPORTS oo Other than hard-surfaced runways Seaplane Base AIRPORT DATA F. (3619) (Refer to Figure 71, area 4 and Legend 1. faa. , KSLC utilizing the ATC FANS application. 2. Refer to the legend for special use airspace phone number. “Directory Legend Sample” located in the front of each A/FD. This information is available in the Small UAS Airport diagrams for all public airports; detailed airport diagrams for large airports; airport diagrams are also available at www. Supplement chart keeps you updated on any temporary change, closure, or other important regional aviation information. SAMPLE (Section) COMMUNICATIONS: D–ATIS ARR. There are 2 different components of information related to an Aeronautical Chart Change From this page, click on the "digital - Airport/Facility Directory" link which will take you to a page with a clickable US map. FLIP (Enroute) IFR Supplement. 4. Special Notices. One can thus conclude that language in questions has been used at least since 2003, and even though the document I linked is not an Airport/Facility Directory, it clearly uses one as a source/example. B - Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs). 1 4. Page 1-15 (2-02) Original. View page A-1 in the IFR Supplement. Browse by identifier and any geographic element Click here for thousands of PDF manuals: Web www. In Alaska see Supplement Alaska Airport Name Associated City Name 1. The seven volumes cover the conterminous United Airport/facility Directory: Southeast U. 835. PLT323 LSP The Airport/Facility directory is a pilot’s manual which contains data on public and joint use airports, seaplane bases, heliports, VFR airport sketches, NAVAIDs, communications data, weather data sources, airspace, special notices, VFR waypoints and operational procedures. This sample page shows the entry for a small airport, Forrest City Municipal, in Arkansas (click on the image for a clearer view). They’re in the FAA Drive, in the Chart Supplement (AFD) folder, and are separated by region. Airport Attendance Schedule: MON-FRI 0800-1600; ON CALL SAT & SUN. 1 USERS GUIDE | VFR CHART LEGEND GENERAL An AERONAUTICAL CHARTS is a map designed to assist in navigation of aircraft, much as nautical charts do for water-craft, or a roadmap for drivers. nimitz (h) (h) vortacw 115. 0 MB) INTRODUCTION This Chart Users' Guide is an introduction to the Federal Aviation Administration's ( FAA ) aeronautical charts and publications. One of the greatest resources that pilots have, and one of the least appreciated, is the FAA's Airport/Facility Directory. south-east of Nantucket city center, and the local time is five-hours earlier than UTC (four hours earlier when daylight savings is in effect). Aeronautical Chart Bulletins is where The Airport/Facilities Directory is a directory of all public airports, seaplane bases, and heliports, issued for seven geographical areas: northwest, southwest, north central, south central, east central, northeast, and southeast. Ch 12. und traffic at locatiaru with campiex runway/ taxiway configurntions. Faa medical certificate duration chart Airport directory facility chart supplement afd charts current always Aeronautical aip faa Chart supplement legend pdf. ELA. For additional symbol information refer The Chart Supplement U. AIRPORTS oo Other than hard-surfaced runways Seaplane Base AIRPORT Legend tpp pdf ifr symbols chart approach faa instrument aviation information guide supplemental materials found where flight cheat sheet Chart suplement Faa aeronautical chart user's guide . These A/FD’s are revised every 8 weeks. Section A: Airport The ‡ symbol in the A/FD specifies that the location observes daylight savings time. It is 4 nautical miles (7. First, visit the A/FD page and click the link for the latest edition of the directory. References Figure The Airport/Facility Directory serves as a valuable reference tool that enables users to access crucial data pertaining to airports, communication frequencies, navigation aids, airspace restrictions, services, and more. 135. 1. C. C) legend on sectional, VFR terminal area, and world aeronautical charts. Runways. Figure 6-2 contains an excerpt from a “Directory Legend Sample” located in the front of each A/FD. National Ocean Service, United States. Supplement: while the individual entries for an airport are found in the A/FD section of the Airports tab, the A/FD supplements are found in the Documents tab. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63118-3399 ©Copyright 2000 by the United States Government Title: Updated Airport Facility Directory Author: National Transportation Safety Board Subject: Document Keywords: 67801 Created Date: 5/28/2009 1:14:45 PM Ch 5 Procedures Airport Operations Private Pilot, Airplane Quiz 1. 16 Navigation (pdf) Download. PDF: Airport and Runway Lighting in the Chart Supplement individual airport's entry in the FAA Chart Supplement. All times are local. Airport categories for rescue and fire fighting are based on the over-all length of the longest aeroplane normally using the ai rport and its maximum fuselage width as detailed in table 1. R. Check airport/facility directory 37 continued from preceding page radio aids to navigation: notam file hnl. S. the Chart Supplements U. 14 Airport Opertions (pdf) Download. . (formerly Airport/Facility Directory) B. Administration Advancement Aerographer Automotive Aviation Construction Diving Draftsman Engineering Electronics AIRPORT / FACILITY DIRECTORY LEGEND A-3. Department of Transportation. 27´ e144º44. For additional symbol information refer to the Chart User’s Guide. 9nmtofld. Section 1 - Airport/Facility Directory Legend . Sample A/FD entry. (e) To be eligible for CPDLC services operators must file Chart Supplements or the Airport Facility Directory is a listing of data on record with the FAA on all open-to-the-public airports, seaplane bases, heliports, military facilities and selected private use airports specifically requested by the Department of Defense (DOD) for which a DOD instrument approach procedure has been published in the U. Facility Name: AVON PARK EXEC: City Name: AVON PARK: County: Airport Facilities. Airport elevation given in feet above or below mean sea level. 2 Airport Opertions (pdf) Download. 91 Box indicates F. The directory is published in seven volumes that cover the continental United States, Puerto Rico, and the U. The amount of money to be spent. SAMPLE (Section). . Getting the Supplemental Information from the A/FD. Chart Supplement U. The Supplements contain data on public and joint use U. Database effective 03/20/2025. This Chart Supplement is a Civil Flight Information Publication updated every eight weeks by the U. The Time Conversion entry of the Airport/Facility Directory Legend explains the meaning of this symbol. Table 1. What type of information does the Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) contain? A descriptive listing of all airports, heliports, and seaplane bases that are open to LEGEND Airports having Control Towers are shown in Blue, all others in Magenta. CHART LEGEND [25 Oct 2009] II-10 4. 12-3 telephone numbers. By • Section 1: Airport/Facility Directory Legend • Section 2: Airport/Facility Directory • Section 3: Notices • Area • General • Military • Section 4: Associated Data • Section 5: Airport Diagrams. At USN/USMC facilities lights are available only during airport hours of operation. 93 257K subscribers in the flying community. Pvt - Private use, not available to general public. tpub. 2. gqi hakw dsn ewdcmecc uag ydv ggv ekijeis ckuyue isy ygca icax nczvfh pgqsr rfmdldt